Forestation for Future

Southwest coast of Bangladesh (Khulna, Bagerhat & Satkhira) is facingthreats of global Climate change due to manmade causes. Sea level rise,salinity intrusion, cyclone, tidal surge, water logging, tree felling, flood are thecauses of concern why the Sundarban region is degrading gradually.Populations of the coastal region are in risk of inundation and migration. Assistcarbon sequestration and maintain ecological balance through plantation usingecosystem-based approach. There is a great need for planting trees involvinglocal communities and greening the coastal belt of Shyamnagar buffer zone.The project is supportive for minimize cyclone disaster risk and creatingalternative livelihoods of the coastal communities. “Forestation for theFuture”project is implementing at Dakkhin Kadomtola village of MunshigonjUnion and Shora village of Ramjan Nagar Union of Shyamnagar Upazila ofSatkhira District. The project is funded by “Plant for the Planet”.

Project Objectives:
  • To minimize cyclone disaster risks and promote livelihood security of the coastal communities
  • To assist carbon sequestration and maintain ecological balance through plantation using ecosystem-based approach
  • To plant & regenerate mangroves in the buffer zone for biodiversity conservation.

Project Goal:

To reduce cyclone disaster risks, assist livelihood security of the vulnerable coastal communities especially Sundarban resource harvesters the bawali (thatch/golpata cutter), mawali (honey extractor), jellay (fish & crab harvester) and their families aligned with achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

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  • Project Duration:

    Jun 2020 - Continuing

  • Location:

    Shyamnagar Upazilla

  • Project Map:
  • Funding Agency:

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